ARS ELECTRONICA 2011 Awards of Distinction
2011-05-27 12:453月に制作した「particles」がARS ELECTRONICA 2011、Interactive Art部門で、
Awards of Distinctionを受賞しました。
Planning and software development:
Daito Manabe [JP] (4nchor5 La6, Rhizomatiks)
System design and hardware development:
Motoi Ishibashi [JP] (4nchor5 La6,Rhizomatiks, DGN)
Rail structure design and production:
Seiichi Saito [JP] (Rhizomatiks)
Youichi Sakamoto(Rhizomatiks)
Ball design and development:
Tomoaki Yanagisawa [JP] (4nchor5 La6)
Lift structure design and production:
Yukio Akiba [JP] (Gadget)
Graphic design:
Hiroyasu Kimura(Rhizomatiks)
Megumi Shima [JP] (Rhizomatiks)
Document video filming and editing:
Muryo Homma [JP] (Rhizomatiks)
Planning support:
Ichiro Kojima [JP] (Rhizomatiks)
Onsite support:
Kanta Horio [JP] (4nchor5 La6)
Production support:
Kensuke Fujishiro [JP] (Rhizomatiks)
Technical support:
YCAM InterLab
Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM]
Special thanks MIKIKO and poko [JP]